I am currently writing a paper for my english class. Can someone read this paragraph and tell me some more things i should add/fix to make it correct, grammatically and book wise?
In our paper we are supposed to:
Anazlyze Homer's style, purpose, and theme in the iliad. support your assertions with evidence and qutoes from the epic poem.
According to the rubric it should include the title of the book, author, a few sentences about the story and a clearly worded thesis.
Here is my first paragraph:
The Iliad is a tale about the wrath of Achilles and fate. The Iliad, written by Homer and translated by W.H.D. Rouse is an epic poem that displays a very specific style of writing, a purpose, and several themes. Fate is shown to be a driving force behind many of the events of The Iliad. Homer writes this story in such a way that you can clearly depict his style, purpose, and theme throughout the entire poem.
Does this seem decent to you guys or could someone help me out?