The first thing to do is to identify the clauses, both independent and dependent. Remember that a clause has a subject and a verb.
The first recorded trip to the Yellowstone geysers was made in 1807 by John Colter.
In this sentence, there is one subject and one verb; therefore, it's a simple sentence.
one independent clause = simple
two independent clauses joined correctly = compound
one independent and one dependent clause = complex
two independent clauses joined correctly plus one dependent clause = compound-complex
I am confused on how to identify a sentence as a complex sentence or a simple sentence. The sentence is "The first recorded trip to the Yellowstone geysers was made in 1807 by John Colter." I think it is simple...but am not sure if there is a subordinate clause in there or not
4 answers
thank you for the link!
thank you....that makes sense now
You're very welcome.
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This is an excellent website:
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