I am an instructor at a small college in the UK. The college has recently purchased a multi media (POWERPONT) projector & lap top. I am keen to utilise this new medium in my lectures but in my opinion the college have not provided appropriate facilities to enable this. Other instructors have used it but have to provide a power supply from the side of the room with the electric supply provided by an extension lead laid across the carpet and the projector balanced on ring binders to provide adequate elevation. I am concerned for the safety of the lap top and projector if it is accientally knocked off the desk but additionally I am sure there will be relevant legislaion dealing with the installation of such appliances.
I have aired my concerns with the college and they have advised me they cannot afford a custom built stand etc. and in any event other instructors are quite happy with the arrangement.
I wonder if anyone can point me in the direction of legislation/directives or offer me advice.
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Unfortunately in my school the teachers themselves purchased what the administration would not and if you have a "Booster Club" that can be very helpful. Fortunately one year I had the son of the Fire Chief in my class and when we invited his father to class the problem was solved!
My advice is this:
Route the electric cable around the wall, thence from the wall to the projector, put tape over the cord to the carpet. This eliminates trip hazards.
The stand is probably not a safety hazard as much as it poses a risk to the equipment. My wife has a similar problem in her math class for her overhead projector. I found a small portable table for her at a yard sale.
This is not one of those issues I would personally make a defensive stand against the administration. Tape the electrical cord to the carpet, students do not wish to trip on it.