i am an eighth grader and i need help because we have to write about how there is a loyalist anda patriot and how they are arguing of why they should have a war and why they shouldnt and also why they should declare independence? but it has to include the boston tea party and the proclamation of 1763 somewhere in the dialogue.

1 answer

This sounds like an interesting argument. I've been researching my family history and learned that some of my ancestors were loyalists and didn't want a war while others in the same family were patriots and wanted independence. Some even went to Canada so they could remain loyal to Great Britain

Many colonists in the middle 1700s considered themselves British first and American colonists second. They had relatives in England and lived a lot like the English and had many of the same customs. They'd always had a king or queen and didn't see any reason to change.

These loyalists believed the patriots were traitors to their mother country, Great Britain. They thought the patriots were hot-headed rebels and revolutionaries to even think of wanting and fighting for independence. In the eyes of the loyalists, the gang of rowdies who threw the tea into Boston Harbor were criminals to destroy such valuable property.

The patriots, on the other hand, were convinced that the rights of man were necessary and that the British government with its old-fashioned and out-dated ways had no place in "modern" (1763) America. They were tired of paying taxes on British goods when they had no choice about who assessed these taxes nor how much they should pay nor how these taxes were spent.

The patriots were loyal to their cause -- an independent nation. They viewed the Boston Tea Party as legitimate civil disobedience to dramatically make their point about excessive taxes.

Good luck -- and enjoy writing your dialogue!