I Am American

by Jennifer Tibbets
TIME: Present.
SETTING: Bare stage.
AT RISE: MAX LITTLEFOOT stands center. Behind him, THREE
SILHOUETTES stand reaching upward toward the sky. As MAX
LITTLEFOOT begins his speech, SILHOUETTES enact Amerindian dance
to offstage drumbeat.
MAX LITTLEFOOT: 1 am American. My ancestors have lived on this land
since memory began. My tribal elders speak of a large turtle that rose
out of the sea. This Turtle Island - Earth- provides everything we need.
My ancestors could read the earth. They saw a scuff in the dirt and
would find deer to hunt. They smelled the thawing riverbanks and knew
salmon were on their way upstream to spawn. They touched the rough
bark of a pine and it would become a strong wigwam.
Use the passage to answer the question.
Which dramatic elements are presented in all capital letters?
Select the three correct answers.
(2 points)
• setting
• music
• dialogue
• time
• sound effects

1 answer

The three dramatic elements presented in all capital letters in the passage are:

  • TIME