I am accusing fake ms. sue's (AROUND THE GLOBE) for unhelpful answers for over 1,000 questions asked. This is very unusual for Ms. Sue for being in all of these posts. Now I may ask, who kept giving unhelpful questions? If the real Ms. Sue is here thanks for coming to this post and help all of us students. BUT what I'm saying is, how many fake Sues are in this website right now and in the past? How many times did we see them? How can we ban them? If you have any ideas or comments please type in your thoughts at the bottom.

18 answers

There are easy ways to identify a fake Ms. Sue.
If a post was made between 11:30 p.m. and 11:30 a.m. Eastern time, it's fake.
If a post was made more than 24 hours after the initial question was posted, it's probably fake.
If my name isn't posted just the way mine is, it is definitely fake. Watch spacing, capitalization, and punctuation.
Also, you can press their names in the posts and look at what they have posted before. If they have asked anything at all, then it's a fake.
Unless it's a repost
I had no Idea good to know...
a way to tell it if it has the teacher emoji beside it
If there is no teacher icon than its fake. If they asked questions of lessons in the past its also fake. Thank you for all the good ways to determine this and hope that they will get karma
Please be aware of fake Ms. Sue's or any other teacher (They use Ms. Sue a lot than any other teacher that I know of) around the globe. According to know if She/ He is a teacher, she at least has to have πŸ‘©β€πŸ« or πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«. So please be aware. The person above me is an example of a fake Ms. Sue. Thank you for reading this. Have a good day 🌞😎/ Night πŸŒ‘πŸŒ™. (Btw I'm just a regular kid on the internet so I'm not a adult.)
Please be aware of fake Ms. Sue's or any other teacher (They use Ms. Sue a lot than any other teacher that I know of) around the globe. According to know if She/ He is a teacher, she at least has to have πŸ‘©β€πŸ« or πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«. So please be aware. Thank you for reading this. Have a good day 🌞😎/ Night πŸŒ‘πŸŒ™. (Btw I'm just a regular kid on the internet so I'm not a adult just be aware.)
🚨 Please be aware of fake Ms. Sue's or any other teacher (They use Ms. Sue a lot than any other teacher that I know of) around the globe 🌎🚨. According to know if She/ He is a teacher, She/ He at least has to have πŸ‘©β€πŸ« or πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«. And also it has to be correct capitalization, punctuation, and spacing In their name. πŸ™Thank you for reading thisπŸ™. Have a good day 🌞😎/ Night πŸŒ‘πŸŒ™. Copy and paste this to spread βœ…
I'm sure you are.
rip ms. sue
I agree
RiP Ms SuE YoU WiLl bE MiSsEd
Rest in peace.
I’m still alive bruh!