I also need to tell what a bffl is. I wrote that a Bffl is someone who is always on ur side and never lets u lose confidence in urself. Can u please add to it. Thanx 8-)

4 answers

is a bffl like ur shadow?
I don't see how a bffl is like a shadow.

Best friends for life are individuals who value you and your friendship. They trust you and want to help you.

Check this site.

A bffl is someone who you can rely on and whom u can share all ur feelings with. It doesn't have to be a ''friend'' it can also be ur cousin, mom, etc. Trust is the major part of a frienship. A Bffl is not ur shadow, it doesn't follow your footsteps. A Bffl may be like a god to you in a way though, hope this helps
The site Ms Sue listed above may give a better idea of what we're talkin about