i all ready did my work and i want to see if i got them right.....
1.what does a small blackened dot usually represent? Cities or towns.
2.which state contains the name of a country bordering united states? Canada.
3.what is the name given to the half of the earth that includes asia,australia, most of africa, europe, and antartica, and their waters?Eastern empire.
4.which distance is shorter,africa to south america, or afrfica to australia?africa to australia.
5.which circle passes through more continent, antartica or artic?Artic.
6.which state has no border on the aylantic ocean:new hempshire, conneticut, or vermont?vermont.
7.which great lake is the only one that does not also belong to canada?lake michigan.
8.how many continents are totally within the western hemisphere? two,north america, and south america.
please write back as soon as posible :-) !!!!
4 answers
4. I am not certain, recheck your map, and go with your decision
all others are correct.
1. Correct
2. No state contains the word "Canada."
3. Eastern EMPIRE? Please check again.
4. Wrong.
5. Correct
6. Correct
7. Correct
8. Correct