Hypothesis: A prediction of what you think the results of the project will be. Write your hypothesis before you begin the experiment and, if the experiment has more than one part, you will need a hypothesis for each section. Remember to create an ‘if-then’ statement. (Example: If students get adequate rest, then grades will improve). Refer to the first Project of the semester or to the Student References Section if you need additional information (1-2 sentences).

Procedure: In 1st person past tense, write a summary of what you actually did in performing the experiment. Be sure to include any modifications. You should include enough detail so that someone could reproduce the experiment based on what you have written.

Data: Describe all observations or changes. List all measurements and include proper labels.

Procedure 1:
Approximate concentration of NaOH solution:
Molecular weight of benzoic acid: 122.12 g/mole
Mass of benzoic acid used:

Titration of NaOH and benzoic acid:
Trial 1(Rough) Trial 2(Fine) Trial 3(Fine)
Initial volume (NaOH) (ml)
final volume (NaOH) (ml)

Procedure 2:
Volume of acetic acid (ml):

Titration of NaOH and acetic acid:
Trial 1(Rough) Trial 2(Fine) Trial 3(Fine)
Initial volume (NaOH) (ml)
final volume (NaOH) (ml)

Calculations/Interpretations: Show all math performed (label the calculation or give the formula, show your setup, and give the result), include proper labels, and/or answer any questions listed below.

Procedure 1: NaOH titrated with Benzoic Acid.

Moles of Benzoic acid:
Moles of NaOH:
Trial 2 Trial 3 Average(Trials 2 & 3)
Volume of NaOH used (ml):
Volume of NaOH (L):

Molarity of NaOH:

Procedure 2: NaOH titrated with Acetic Acid.

Trial 2 Trial 3 Average(Trials 2 & 3)
Volume of NaOH used (ml)
Volume of NaOH (L):

Moles of NaOH (molarity x volume):
Moles of Aceitc Acid:
Volume of Acetic Acid (L):
Molarity of Acetic Acid:

Conclusion: Begin by stating whether the hypothesis was true or false. Use data and calculations to support your answer. Consider the following questions as you write your conclusion: Why or what happened to result in the outcome you observed? Did you learn anything new? If not, what previously concepts did this lab reinforce? Is there anything you would or could do differently that would improve the experiment? Do you have any other comments/observations you would like to share about this lab? (*Note: Not all questions pertain to each lab.) Your conclusion should be approximately one paragraph in length.

1 answer

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