Hydr- means “water” in Greek. Which of the following is the most likely meaning of hydrotherapy?(1 point)

6 answers

1. Hydr- means “water” in Greek. Which of the following is the most likely meaning of hydrotherapy?

Answer: a type of therapy that uses water

2.The crowd was large, so the speaker had to use a megaphone in order to be heard.

Answer: huge

3.The ferocious tiger rolled over onto his back and nipped lightly at her cubs as they played around her.

Answer: adjective

4.Gentry is writing a report about the popularity of the community boxing club for youth. He includes information about one boy who is described as pugnacious. Which reference would help Gentry understand the description of the athlete?

Answer: dictionary

5.The words teacher, preacher, and dancer all end with the suffix -er. Which of the following does the suffix -er mean?

Answer: someone who performs an action

6. The suffix -ant means "tending to" and the word root -vig- means "watchful." Which word is the best synonym for vigilant?

Answer: Alert

7.Now Annie was in bed, groaning theatrically—she’s a drama major—but I told my mother I’d go anyway. I hadn’t seen my grandmother since she’d been admitted to Lawnrest.

Which of the following is the clearest context clue for theatrically?

Answer: "she's a drama major"

8. inside, I was surprised by the lack of hospital smell, although there was another odor or maybe the absence of an odor. The air was antiseptic, sterile.

Which of the following is the meaning of antiseptic?

Answer: clean

9.Certain trees, in fact, produce seeds only when fire heats them. If the fire removes thick shrubs and undergrowth, the water supply increases, aiding other plants and local animals. Fire also may kill predatory insects or pests that live on and damage otherwise healthy trees.

Which set of context clues best points to the correct definition of undergrowth in the second sentence?

Answer: thick shrubs, plants, trees"
"thick shrubs, plants, trees"

10. Tension exists between the ranchers who feel threatened by wolves and the conservationists who want to see wolves protected. Many ranchers want to remove federal protection for the gray wolves.

Which of the following describes what the word conservationists means in the first sentence?

Answer: a person who wants to preserve the environment and wildlife

For the rest ur on ur own
1.A type of therapy that uses water

2. Huge

3. Adjective

4. Dictionary

5. Someone who performs an action

6. Alert

7. " She's a drama major"

8. Clean

9. " Thick scrubs, plants, trees"

10. A person who wants to preserve the environment and wildfire

Those are all correct for me so hopefully for u guys too♡ the other questions are quite easy I just can't type them bc I submitted it already but just search the main words of the questions and it'll be super easy! Good luck
In 2-3 sentences, explain which context clues help you identify the meaning of the word vegetation in the first sentence.
"The context clues that helped me identify the meaning of the vegetation were wildland and rural areas. And even though there are not in the first sentence, there are a couple of words that also helped me figure out what vegetation means: forests, grasslands, and savannas."

In 1–2 sentences, explain how a dictionary helps readers better understand unfamiliar words.

"A dictionary helps readers understand unfamiliar words by giving definitions of how the readers should pronounce that specific word. it also provides examples of how the word could be used in different situations."

In 1–2 sentences, explain how the knowledge of etymology benefits readers.
"The knowledge of etymology benefits readers. For example, when somebody reads words they think of how they could use them and the history of how it was originally pronounced."
Who is right????