hy did industrialization happen in Russia after other countries, such as Great Britain?
There were no port cities.
There were no port cities.
Nobles resisted change.
There were not enough workers.
Russia lacked natural resources.
7 answers
The government was resistant to modernization and slow to implement industrial policies.
so which one
There is no single answer to why industrialization happened later in Russia than in other countries as there were multiple factors that contributed to this delay. However, some historians argue that the resistance of the Russian government to modernization and its slow implementation of industrial policies played a significant role in the delayed industrialization of Russia. Additionally, the lack of port cities and natural resources, as well as resistance from nobles and the lack of workers, also contributed to the delay.
Why did industrialization happen in Russia after other countries, such as Great Britain?
Nobles resisted change.
There were no port cities.
There were not enough workers.
Russia lacked natural resources.
Nobles resisted change.
There were no port cities.
There were not enough workers.
Russia lacked natural resources.
There are multiple factors that contributed to the delay of industrialization in Russia, including the fact that nobles resisted change and the lack of port cities, workers, and natural resources. Additionally, the government was resistant to modernization and slow to implement industrial policies, which further delayed the process of industrialization in Russia. Other factors, such as internal conflicts and external pressures, may have also contributed to the delay.
okay but i have to pick one
If you have to pick only one factor which contributed the most to the delay of industrialization in Russia, it would be the resistance from the Russian Nobility. They were the most influential and powerful social group in Russia and often opposed reforms and modernization that threatened their political and economic power. This resistance hindered the development of industrialization because many of the reforms and policies necessary for industrialization required the support and participation of the nobility.