Hurricane Katrina brought devastation, homelessness, illness, and even death to the residents of New Orleans. Meteorologists, public information systems, and government officials have been working together to use the most advanced satellite weather technology to ensure that another "Katrina" situation will not happen anywhere in the United States.
How will the satellite weather technology help prevent another hurricane disaster like Katrina?
A It can be used to help divert destructive hurricanes out to sea.It can be used to help divert destructive hurricanes out to sea.
B It will help get the media in place early so we can watch the events on television.It will help get the media in place early so we can watch the events on television.
C It will improve predictions of potential hurricane pathways and allow for early evacuation.It will improve predictions of potential hurricane pathways and allow for early evacuation.
D We will know exactly where the hurricane is headed, its exact impact to the areas, and can plan accordingly.We will know exactly where the hurricane is headed, its exact impact to the areas, and can plan accordingly.
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