Humans have many different types of impacts on the environment. Below are two Landsat images of a large city named New Delhi, which is the capital of India. The image on the left was taken in March of 1991. The image on the right was taken in March of 2016. The green color represents forested areas. The purple/gray areas represent non-forested areas, like pavement and buildings.

1 answer

Looking at the two images, we can see significant changes in the landscape of New Delhi over the past 25 years. In the 1991 image, there are larger patches of green indicating more forested areas, while in the 2016 image, these green areas have decreased significantly. This is likely due to urbanization and deforestation as the city has expanded and more infrastructure has been built to accommodate its growing population.

The purple/gray areas, representing non-forested areas, have expanded in the 2016 image compared to the 1991 image. This indicates increased urban development and construction of buildings and roads. As cities grow, more land is needed for housing, industry, and transportation, leading to the conversion of natural habitats into urban areas.

Overall, these images illustrate the human impact on the environment in New Delhi, showing how urbanization and development have changed the landscape over time. It is important for city planners and policymakers to consider the environmental consequences of rapid urban growth and to implement sustainable development practices to protect natural habitats and preserve biodiversity.