1. Spices were expensive in Western Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries primarily because they were highly sought after and had to be imported from distant regions such as the East Indies and China. The long and complex trade routes, high demand, limited supply, and the presence of intermediaries all contributed to the high cost of spices in Western Europe.
2. The expensive cost of spices could have motivated Europeans to explore on the seas for several reasons. Firstly, the desire to access the source of spices directly would eliminate the need for intermediaries, thereby reducing costs and increasing profits. Secondly, Europeans hoped to find alternative trade routes to bypass existing monopolies and gain a competitive advantage in the spice trade. Thirdly, discovering and controlling new sources of spices would provide a significant economic opportunity and enhance the wealth and status of European nations. Additionally, the spirit of adventure, curiosity, and the desire for glory played a role in motivating explorers to set sail and discover new territories.
Huh's - Module 10 SQ 3 What motivated European exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries?
1. Why were spices so expensive in Western Europe?
2. How could the expensive cost of spices have motivated Europeans to explore on the seas?
1 answer