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I did this experiment about antacids and i have to write three validity issues i could've had. I have two but I need one more.

1. I should have done more trials for more accurate results
2. when i stirred the antacid and acid solution together i could have stirred it faster for one than the other
3. ???????

2 answers

I would use precision instead of accuracy in #1.
#2 I don't understand. It seems to me that how fast you stirred is not relevant as long as you stirred it so as to mix completely. Rewording to that context would make more sense to me.
For #3, you may have made an error in reading the buret, made an error in weighing, not titrated (I assume you titrated these samples) to the same end point. Any of the three could have happened.
no i did not titrate....but i guess you're right about #2 i wasn't sure what to write