How would you write the name of a segment differently than the name of a line? What symbols would you use?

19 answers

both use two letters, such as BC
a segment just has a bar over the letters
a line has the bar, but there's an arrow on each end, indicating it continues on

Surely this is shown in your geometry text!!
A line is a straight set of points that extend in opposite directions without ending. A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one direction without ending. A line segment is a part of a line between two endpoints. Both the line and segment can be designated the same way, line AB or segment AB.
Thank you so much it makes a lot more sense now!
Am I the only one who still doesn't understand what any of the stuff above means?
What symbols would you use tho?
Don't quote me on any of this but from what I can understand in simple terms:

a line is essentially a never-ending one, with arrows on either end instead of points, meaning it's infinite/keeps going.

A line SEGMENT is a line with POINTS, so it'll start with a point C (for example) and continue on until it reaches another point (maybe one called B).
There are only two in my opinion
TIP FOR ALL THOSE USING THIS REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE WORDING FOR UR WRITTEN RESPONSE cus i stupidly forgot that and just copied and pasted >:'(
I've been here for 3yrs to know to switch the wordings up. STAY SMART. I wont snitch on yall
@lol pls you dumb
The answer is, of course, overthrow capitalism.
based athiest chad
hey thanks @ !
A line is often name by two points that lie on it. The symbol for the name of the line is the two points in capital letters, with a small, double barbed horizontal line segment over them. Two points are used when naming a segment, the arrows are not used on the line segment above the letters.
Okay for example let's use UV as our points.
A segment would have a line above UV however though, a line has the same bar but there are arrows at the ends of both sides which as a written rule in geometry means that it can just continue infinitely and never end!
ow would you write the name of a segment differently than the name of a line? What symbols would you use?