how would you explain the redeeming value of sexual appeals in advertising?
if sexual appeals are considered okay by the targeted audiences, what responsibily does the advertiser have for indirect targets such as children and how can advertisers protect themselves from that problem?
All I can think of if you changed the word sexual to addictive drugs, then it read if "addictive drug appeals are considered ok by the targeted audience...
Since when does the targeted audience get to decide what the rest of us see? The only protection advertisers have is the freedom of speech, and even then they better watch it....if inappropriate advertising is on a kids program, not many will champion their rights to speech.
Advertisers have to be aware of the line, and it varies with audience, time of day, and day. Frankly, I am tired of car advertisements featuring a slinky woman in see through fabric. I certainly wouldn't want my little girls to grow up thinking that was normal. It isn't....even if the targeted audience thinks it is ok.