How would you categorize the obligations and services of state and local governments as compared to those of the federal government?

State and local governments provide, useful services, while the federal government tends to provide unnecessary services.
State and local government provide services that are specified in the U.S. constitution, while the federal government provides any additional services
State and local gov. provide services for a particular location, while the federal gov. provides services that are specified in the U.S. constitution ***
State gov. provides services that the federal government is too large to provide effectively

9 answers

You're on a roll! Right again!
Sweet! I've never got in these many questions right in a shot! Thanks a lot! U are awesome!
You've done it yourself! Congratulations!
You are welcome.
dufuc de awnser
urmom, Do you have down syndrome? The answer was clearly in the question he submitted. That's why there is a " * " right by one of the answers. Cheaters are indeed more dumb than a rock.
Thank you so much😁😃
alright yee chill