Reducing low growing plants from an area could have different impacts on tortoises with short and long distance neck extension abilities.
For tortoises with short distance neck extension abilities, a reduction in low growing plants could make it more difficult for them to reach their food sources. This could lead to decreased food availability and potentially impact their overall health and survival.
On the other hand, for tortoises with long distance neck extension abilities, they may have an advantage in accessing food sources that are further away or higher up, such as taller plants or trees. In this case, the reduction in low growing plants may not have as significant of an impact on their population.
Overall, the specific impact of reducing low growing plants on a population of tortoises with different neck extension abilities would depend on various factors such as the availability of alternative food sources, the overall habitat quality, and the ability of tortoises to adapt to changes in their environment. Proper habitat management and conservation efforts would be important in ensuring the long-term viability of such populations.
How would reducing low growing plants from an area impact a population of tortoises with two varieties of neck extension ability: short and long distance
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