How will your responsibilities as a teacher influence the rights of your students?
Is it fair to infringe on students' rights for the sake of the learning environment?
Why or why not?
4 answers
What student rights are you talking about? The right of free speech does not allow one to disrupt a class by talking when not called upon.
Random student locker searches without permission
Good choice. There are a lot of pros and cons. I tend to favor locker searches, within reason, due to alarming number of kids bringing weapons and drugs to school.
A question to be asked is whether probable cause should be required before a locker search, and if that is better than random searches.
The content of written material should not be a subject of such searches, in my opinion.
A school locker is not a person's home. Cars can be searched if there is "probable cause". Urine tests can be required of athletes and job applicants. Civil liberties in America are increasingly under attack, and the trend of the Supreme Court decisions lately seems to indicate that trend will continue for quite a while
A question to be asked is whether probable cause should be required before a locker search, and if that is better than random searches.
The content of written material should not be a subject of such searches, in my opinion.
A school locker is not a person's home. Cars can be searched if there is "probable cause". Urine tests can be required of athletes and job applicants. Civil liberties in America are increasingly under attack, and the trend of the Supreme Court decisions lately seems to indicate that trend will continue for quite a while