first step: count the trailing zeros. That gives you
15789 * 10^9
But scientific notation requires you to express the product as a power of 10 and a number from 1-10.
15789 is 1.5789 * 10^4
because you have to shift the decimal point 4 places to the left. Now just add the exponents to get
1.5789 * 10^13
To do it all in one go, just count how many places you have to shift the decimal point to arrive at a number between 1 and 10 in front. In this case, if you shift the point 13 places to the left, you end up with 1.5789
How will you write this in scientific notation? if you do not mind explaining how you did it. Thank you!
3 answers
Thank you so much...! this will help me on my final next week...! :)
4.3 x109