To find degrees and minutes using a calculator, follow these steps:
1. Determine the decimal value of the degrees. For example, if you have 45.75 degrees, the decimal value is 45.
2. Multiply the decimal value by 60 to convert it into minutes. In this example, 45 x 60 = 270 minutes.
3. Round the decimal value of minutes to the nearest whole number if necessary. If you have 45.75 degrees, the minutes are 270.
4. Take note of the degree symbol (°) and write the degrees value along with minutes, using the apostrophe symbol (') to represent minutes. For example, if the decimal value was 45.75, you would write it as 45° 270'.
Overall, using a calculator helps you calculate the minutes easily by converting the decimal value of the degrees into minutes and then rounding it if required.
How will I use calculator to find degrees and minute?
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