How were the motives, of King Henry VIII, for religious change/reformation different from those of John Wyclif, Martin Luther, or John Calvin? talk about it all together And write like a fifth grader.

1 answer

King Henry VIII, John Wyclif, Martin Luther, and John Calvin were all important people in history who wanted changes in religion. But they had different reasons for doing so.

King Henry VIII was the King of England and he wanted to have more power and control. He wanted a divorce from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, but the Pope didn't allow it. So, Henry decided to break away from the Catholic Church and make his own church called the Church of England. He wanted to be the head of the church and get a divorce whenever he wanted. Henry's main goal was to have more power and control, instead of focusing on religious beliefs.

On the other hand, John Wyclif was a priest from England who lived a long time before Henry VIII. He believed that the Catholic Church had too much power and was doing things wrong. Wyclif wanted to make changes so that people could understand the Bible in their own language and have a personal relationship with God. He wanted to reform the church by taking away its power and wealth. Wyclif's motive was to make the church more simple and focused on faith.

Martin Luther was another important person who lived in Germany during the 1500s. He was a monk and also thought that the Catholic Church needed changes. Luther didn't agree with the church selling indulgences, which were like tickets to heaven. He believed that people should have faith in God and not rely on buying indulgences. Luther also wanted to make the Bible available in the language that the common people could understand. His motive was to bring the church back to its original teachings.

Lastly, John Calvin was a French theologian who lived around the same time as Luther. He believed in predestination, which means that God chooses who will be saved or not. Calvin wanted to reform the church to believe in this idea and follow the Bible strictly. He thought that the Catholic Church was too focused on rituals and traditions, instead of true faith. Calvin wanted people to live simple lives and have a strong connection with God. His motive was to create a religious community based on strict beliefs.

In conclusion, while King Henry VIII wanted religious change for power and control, John Wyclif, Martin Luther, and John Calvin all had motives to reform the church based on their own beliefs. Wyclif wanted a simpler and more personal faith, Luther wanted to focus on faith and the Bible, and Calvin wanted to create a strict religious community.