How were the lives of white people in the North and South alike and different?

I already answered the question but can you give me more ideas for what the did similarly and differently plz.

The differences between the economies of the North and the South are that, the North had a more diversified economy based on free labor, while the South had an agrarian economy based on slave labor. Both relied heavily on the farming they used the same techniques. North raised wheat and corn; the South raised rice, tobacco, and cotton.Both were considered Republic forms of government.

4 answers

I found this on another Jiskha site:

Most people in both the North and South were farmers, so their lives were similar in that way. As industrialization took place in the North, more and more people began working in factories, while the South did not industrialize, continuing to rely on agricultural products such as rice, sugar, and (above all) cotton. The social and economic effects were profound in both regions.
thanks,is there anything i should change in my paragraph?
Nope. Not really. Just add some of what I said, and maybe research some things too on Google. Also, if this is something that is counting towards a grade, I'd put it through Grammarly just got any grammar or plagiarism mistakes you might have.
good idea thank u HeartlandRoseMarieS