how were the first civilizations similar and different?

6 answers

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thank you, please help me.
I'll be delighted to help you after you tell me what you know about the similarities and differences.
Oh, okay.
They all had a social hierarchy, and some sort of government. The main type of ecominic income was agriculture-i think-.
You're on the right track.

The three main ancient civilizations grew up along major rivers -- Egypt on the Nile River, Mesopotamia on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, and the Indus on the Indus River. These rivers provided good soil and water for abundant food crops in areas that were otherwise quite arid. With plenty to eat and enough food, some people in each had the leisure to develop cities, writing, complex religions, arts, effective governments, and literature. Specialization of labor was important as was class hierarchies. With an excess of goods, they were also able to begin trading with other groups of people.

One of their differences included different forms of writing. Egyptians developed hieroglyphics while Mesopotamians developed cuneiform. Different languages were also spoken in each of these civilizations. Each had their own gods and ways of worshipping them. Governments also differed.
How are civilizations are the same,and different