how was the southern region arranged?

6 answers

Southern region of what? When?
The southern colonies of North America
OK, now you need to explain what "arranged" means in your question?

Also you need to state when -- in the 1500s? 1600s? 1700s? or??
well they didn't really explain what arranged meant I was wondering that myself... and as for dates my I'm guessing around 1600/1700 as I think that is when they were founded

And thanks for being so helpful
With history topics, knowing when (and sometimes exactly where) is important.

As far as I've ever known, the colonies formed as people from different places in Europe moved to the New World. For a long time, they knew no western boundaries because of the mountains in the way!

For example, Virginia was a very large colony. West Virginia was formed separately after the US came into existence.
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