How was the appointment of two Consuls during the Roman Republic an example of a democratic principle?
A. One Consul represented patricians and one represented plebeians, so that all citizens had representation.
B. Each Consul had control over the same number of military legions, which prevented either one from a forceful takeover.<<<<<<<<<<<
C. Consuls had to agree on all decisions, which prevented any one person from gaining too much power.
D. Consuls had to make decisions based on majority rule in the Senate.
What was the key difference between the government of the Roman Republic and the government of Imperial Rome?
A. The government of the Roman Republic preferred peace; the government of Imperial Rome was warlike.
B. The Roman Republic was ruled by elected leaders; Imperial Rome was ruled by leaders who inherited power.<<<<<<<<<
C. In the Roman Republic, there were written laws; in Imperial Rome, there were no written laws.
D. The Roman Republic was an indirect democracy; Imperial Rome was a direct democracy.
How did most Roman plebeians make a living? (4 points)
A. as soldiers and generals
B. as farmers and traders
C. as senators and priests<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D. as slaves and servants
How did conquest and expansion change Roman trade?
A. Roman laws limited trade with conquered peoples.
B. More goods flowed into Rome from distant lands.<<<<<<
C. Merchants became the new leaders of Rome.
D. Romans shipped huge amounts of grain to foreign lands.
10 answers
2. Yes
3. No
4. Yes
1. C
3. ? im still thinking
What does your book say about consuls?
1. B.
3. B
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a) patricians
b) magistrates***<<<<
c) plebeians
d) lictors
am I correct?