How was Plessy v Ferguson and the ruling of “separate but equal” so different from the reality that was taking place in America? Please explain and write 4-5 sentences, providing 2-3 examples for support from the images on the last question in the Double Bubble Map. Remember you can use the RADD method as a strategy to help guide your writing. Write this like a 7th grader in 3-4 sentences
1 answer
The ruling of “separate but equal” in Plessy v Ferguson was different from reality because even though the law said that facilities for Black and White people should be equal, they were actually very unequal. For example, in the images from the map, the water fountains and bathrooms for Black people were often dirty and run-down compared to those for White people. Also, Black schools had fewer resources and were often in poorer conditions than White schools. This shows that the idea of “separate but equal” was not being followed in real life.