How was Germany affected during the Cold War?
Germany was divided into eastern and western halves with a wall separating the two sides.
There was a rise in nationalism within the country and Germany began to take over more land.
Germany became a superpower during the war and was a leader within Europe.
The region of Germany was divided into a loose confederation of states.
5 answers
A. Germany was divided into eastern and western halves with a wall separating the two sides.
Stop it! You can do your own work.
shut up woman its A
Hello "kippy vr." I in fact know that you would not speak to me like that if you were revealed. First, that is rude language to address a teacher. Secondly, you can do your own work! I have reiterated this so many times and you all fail to understand, if you would actually get through the lesson, you would know what to do. If you are having trouble we have many tutors, and you could just ask for help.
Thank you,
Thank you,
the fact bro said shut up woman to the teacher is crazyyyy see me personally