How true is this statement?

The most significant benefits of interacting with people of different cultures are that you learn about other people and their countries as far as way of living as well as their cultural beliefs. We have a tendency to not understand the actions of others with different cultures.

My answer

I highly agree with this one since the most significant benefits of interacting with people of different cultures are that you learn about other people and their countries as far as way of living as well as their cultural beliefs.

We, as an Americans, I feel, often have a tendency to not understand the actions of others with different cultures. We see Asians as all the same based on news or media footage; we often categorize all Muslims or Arabs as the same based on the 9/11 tragedy.

Thus, I feel like Americans have such a patriotic but limited mindset so often, again, fueling the justification for real multicultural facts and exposure.

My question

To: Jiskha experts how do you feel?

2 answers

I agree. And remember, most of our ancestors were once immigrants and came from other cultures.
Possibly this would help a little more: