Using a condom correctly can help prevent sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies. Follow these steps to use a condom properly:
1. Before you start, always check the expiration date on the condom package. Do not use expired condoms.
2. Open the condom package carefully. Do not use your teeth or sharp objects to open it, as you can accidentally tear the condom.
3. Make sure the condom is not inside-out. The rolled-up rim should be on the outside, and the reservoir tip should be pointing up.
4. Pinch the reservoir tip of the condom to remove any trapped air. This can help prevent the condom from breaking during intercourse.
5. While holding the reservoir tip between your thumb and index finger, carefully roll the condom onto the erect . If the condom does not unroll easily or seems too tight, it may be inside-out. If this happens, discard the condom and use a new one.
6. Ensure the condom is unrolled completely and that it fits securely on the . There should be no wrinkles or bulges.
7. Use water-based or silicone-based lubricants, if needed, to reduce friction and avoid tearing. Do not use oil-based lubricants such as petroleum jelly or baby oil, as they can weaken the condom and cause it to break.
8. Following intercourse, hold the base of the condom while withdrawing to prevent it from slipping off.
9. Carefully remove the condom from the , being mindful not to spill any semen. Wrap the used condom in a tissue and dispose of it in a trash bin. Do not flush it down the toilet.
10. If the condom breaks during intercourse, stop immediately, and consider using emergency contraception if necessary.
Remember that condoms are for single-use only. After use, always discard the condom and use a new one for each sexual activity.
Lastly, using condoms consistently and correctly is essential to maximize their effectiveness in preventing STIs and unintended pregnancies.
how to use a condom
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