To turn the remainder of 2 into a decimal, you need to know the dividend and divisor of the problem. If you have the dividend and divisor, you can divide them using long division to get a quotient and remainder. Then, you can divide the remainder by the divisor and add the result to the quotient to get the final decimal answer.
For example, let's say the problem was 7 divided by 3. When you divide 7 by 3 using long division, you get a quotient of 2 and a remainder of 1. To turn the remainder of 1 into a decimal, you divide it by the divisor of 3:
1 รท 3 = 0.333...
Then, you add this result to the quotient of 2 to get the final decimal answer:
2 + 0.333... = 2.333...
Therefore, if the remainder is 2, you need to know the dividend and divisor of the problem to turn it into a decimal. Once you have this information, you can follow the steps above to get the final decimal answer.
How to turn remainder into decimal?
The remainder is 2
1 answer