how to squat like a slav brat proper squat Slavic brat heels to sky western spy!

1 answer

To squat like a Slavic brat, follow these steps:

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Lower yourself down into a squat position, making sure to keep your heels on the ground.
3. Keep your back straight and chest up.
4. Lower yourself as low as you can go, ideally until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
5. Hold the squat position for as long as you can.
6. To add some Slavic flair, raise your heels off the ground slightly while keeping your back straight and chest up, as if you are showing off your squatting skills to a western spy.

Remember to practice proper form to avoid injury and maximize the benefits of the squat exercise. Gopnik squat like a true Slavic brat!