how to remove someone from suggestions on gmail when you compose an email?

1 answer

To remove someone from the suggestions in Gmail when you compose an email, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Gmail: Log into your Gmail account.

  2. Compose an Email: Click on the "Compose" button to start a new email.

  3. Start Typing the Email Address: Begin typing the email address or name of the person you want to remove from the suggestions.

  4. Hover Over the Suggestion: When the unwanted suggestion appears, hover your mouse over that suggestion.

  5. Click the “X” Icon: A small "X" icon should appear next to the suggestion. Click on this "X" to remove the contact from the suggestions.

  6. Confirm Removal: The email address should be removed from the suggestions.

If you want to ensure that the contact is completely removed from your Google Contacts:

  1. Go to Contacts: Visit Google Contacts (

  2. Find the Contact: Use the search bar to find the contact you want to delete.

  3. Delete the Contact: Click on the contact’s name, then click on the three-dot menu in the upper right corner and choose "Delete" to remove the contact entirely.

These steps will help you manage your Gmail suggestions effectively.