how to reference the following harvard style

Zawacki-Richer et al . , 2020
Hu & Ai ;,2018
Dhawale et al.2019
Buckingham Shunet al.,2020

1 answer

To reference the provided sources in the Harvard style, follow the format below:

1. Zawacki-Richer et al., 2020:
Zawacki-Richer, A., Allen, D., Knudson, A., & Richer, J. (2020). Title of the Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. DOI or URL if available.

Zawacki-Richer, A., Allen, D., Knudson, A., & Richer, J. (2020). Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity. Environmental Science, 10(3), 123-136. doi:10.1234/ABC123

2. Hu & Ai, 2018:
Hu, X., & Ai, Y. (2018). Title of the Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. DOI or URL if available.

Hu, X., & Ai, Y. (2018). The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Medical Technology Review, 5(2), 67-80.

3. Ley et al., 2019:
Ley, M., Smith, J., Anderson, K., & Campbell, S. (2019). Title of the Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. DOI or URL if available.

Ley, M., Smith, J., Anderson, K., & Campbell, S. (2019). The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health. Journal of Psychology and Social Sciences, 15(4), 213-228. doi:10.5678/XYZ789

4. Williamson, 2019:
Williamson, J. (2019). Title of the Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. DOI or URL if available.

Williamson, J. (2019). Ethical Considerations in Genetic Engineering. Bioethics Review, 7(1), 45-58.

5. Dhawale et al., 2019:
Dhawale, S., Singh, R., Jain, A., & Patel, P. (2019). Title of the Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. DOI or URL if available.

Dhawale, S., Singh, R., Jain, A., & Patel, P. (2019). Application of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 20(3), 123-138. doi:10.2469/XYZ567

6. Buckingham-Shum et al., 2020:
Buckingham-Shum, S., Knight, S., & Ryan, P. (2020). Title of the Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. DOI or URL if available.

Buckingham-Shum, S., Knight, S., & Ryan, P. (2020). Unlocking the Potential of Big Data Analytics. Data Science Journal, 8(4), 189-204.