I'll get you started. Suppose
F(x) = ∫f(x) dx
∫(x-a)f(x) dx = ∫xf(x) dx - ∫af(x) dx = ∫xf(x) dx - aF(x)
Now, using integration by parts, let
u = x, du = dx
dv = f(x) dx, v = F(x)
∫xf(x) dx = xF(x) - ∫F(x) dx
∫[x,b] f(t) dt = F(b)-F(x)
see what you can do from here.
How to prove that the
{The integral with limit a to b *(the integral with limit x to b f(t)dt}dx=integral with limit a to b (x-a)f(x)dx
3 answers
What is the function of f(b)?
doesn't matter. Just expand the expressions, and there will be lots of F(x). F(b), F(a)'s floating around. It will be the same on both sides of the equation