To create an ID picture using Microsoft Word, you can follow these steps:
1. Open Microsoft Word on your computer.
2. Select the "Insert" tab at the top of the screen.
3. Click on "Picture" to insert an image into the document.
4. Choose the photo that you want to use for your ID picture and click "Insert."
5. Adjust the size of the image by clicking on the corners and dragging them to resize.
6. To crop the image to the appropriate size for an ID picture, click on the image and then select the "Format" tab at the top.
7. Click on the "Crop" option and drag the cropping handles to select the area of the image that you want to keep. Click "Enter" to apply the crop.
8. You can also add a border around the image by selecting the image and then clicking on the "Picture Border" option under the "Format" tab. Choose the color and line style for the border.
9. Finally, you can add text to the ID picture by selecting the "Insert" tab and then clicking on "Text Box." Type your name or any other information that you want to include on the ID picture.
Once you have completed these steps, you can print the ID picture or save it as a digital file for online use.
how to make Id picture in word
1 answer