How to make a 55ml of a 3% solution of NaCl?

2 answers

Lane, Kristy, Da or whomever, please don't change screen names. It gets us mixed up.
Technically, I can't answer this question.
If you want 3% w/w solution, you place 3g NaCl with 97 g H2O (is that the solvent?) but I don't know what volume that will be. Certainly it will be more than 55 mL. If you look up the density of 3% NaCl, then we could do it exactly.

If you want 3% w/v solution, dissolve 3 g NaCl in water to make a final solution of 100 mL. Of course that will be more than you want but we don't know how much water that takes since the NaCl will take us some volume.
sorry, just asking a question.