How to formulate a partial differential equation for modelling a phyics and give examples. Explain it in detail along with extensive mathematical expressions.

1 answer

Formulating a partial differential equation (PDE) for modeling physics involves identifying the physical phenomenon, defining the associated variables and their relationships, and expressing those relationships mathematically. Here, we'll provide a general framework along with examples to illustrate the process.

1. Identify the Physical Phenomenon:
Begin by understanding the physics you want to model. This could be anything from fluid dynamics to heat transfer, wave propagation, or electromagnetic phenomena. Define the fundamental quantities you are interested in, such as temperature, pressure, concentration, displacement, or electric/magnetic fields.

2. Define Variables and Their Relationships:
Next, identify the variables that describe the behavior of the system. These variables can be dependent (unknowns to be solved) or independent (variables that affect the system). Typically, they vary with respect to space (x, y, z) and time (t).

3. Express the Conservation Laws or Fundamental Principles:
Most natural phenomena can be described using conservation laws or fundamental principles like mass, momentum, energy, or electric/magnetic field laws. These principles often provide the basis for the PDE.

4. Apply Mathematical Operators:
Once the fundamental principles are established, apply mathematical operators to express the relationships between variables. The choice of operators depends on the physics involved. Common operators include derivatives (∂/∂x, ∂/∂y, ∂²/∂x², etc.) and divergence (∇·) or gradient (∇) operators.

5. Define Boundary and Initial Conditions:
Specify the conditions necessary to solve the PDE. These include boundary conditions, which describe the behavior of the system at its boundaries, and initial conditions, which determine the initial state of the system.

6. Solve the PDE:
Finally, solve the formulated PDE using appropriate methods such as separation of variables, Fourier or Laplace transforms, numerical methods, or using specialized software packages.

Example 1: Heat Conduction Equation with Sources (Fourier's Law)
Let's consider heat conduction in a solid with an internal heat generation rate, q.

Physical Phenomenon: Heat transfer in a solid.
Variables: Temperature (T), time (t), position in the solid (x, y, z).
Fundamental Principles: Conservation of energy.
Mathematical Formulation:
- Apply Fourier's law of heat conduction: q = -k ∇T, where k is the thermal conductivity of the solid.
- Apply the conservation of energy principle: ∂T/∂t = α ∇²T + Q, where α is the thermal diffusivity and Q represents internal heat generation.
Boundary and Initial Conditions: Specify initial temperature distribution, boundary conditions (e.g., fixed temperature, insulated, or convective heat transfer at the boundaries).
Solutions: Solve the PDE using numerical methods such as finite difference or finite element methods.

Example 2: Wave Equation
We'll consider a vibrating string subjected to an external force, F.

Physical Phenomenon: Wave propagation in a vibrating string.
Variables: Displacement (u), time (t), position on the string (x).
Fundamental Principles: Newton's second law.
Mathematical Formulation:
- Apply Newton's second law: ∂²u/∂t² = c² ∂²u/∂x² + F, where c represents the wave speed.
Boundary and Initial Conditions: Specify initial displacement and velocity distributions, boundary conditions (e.g., fixed or free boundaries).
Solutions: Solve the PDE using separation of variables or numerical methods like finite element or spectral methods.

In practice, differential equations can become more complex depending on the physics involved. This general framework, along with system-specific knowledge, can guide you in formulating PDEs for various physics problems.