how to describe a shooting scene in writing?

45 answers

I need a lot of tension and an atmosphere full of panic!!
That depends upon the details of the shooting.
Basically its a shooting in a school and the students are full of fear.
Well, just brainstorm and picture the sense in your head. I've seen a shooting happen in a college parking lot that's all.
Use your imagination. Put yourself in that place. What would you be thinking, feeling, seeing, hearing, and doing?
Describe the fear how their faces look or how they are reacting like are they running or just standing their in shock?
what word would you say that represent panic and fear withing the victim?
thank you!!!
Very much appreciated :)
Thank you to who because i am confused now.
thank you to the both of you
i just needed a bit of help to get me thinking...and both you and ms.sue helped me.

Oh Yea welcome!!!! :P
I have nothing to do!!!! but i hope you get an A on this paper!!!!! :D
Well you doing your duties by trying to help!
Duties is a funny word
So, how are you going to start your paper gotta have a thesis statement lol
It's coming along fine!!
I am very positive about it
bout you
wat u up to?
Nothing much just writing a poem for English... really easy almost done
i find that quite dull but some things have to be done :)
My name is Hanna by the way
Lol the type i write are weird that's what my friends say but who knows really
Nice to meat yea hanna my name is Jenny
dont worry i'm the same
Hahaha awesome!!!!!
so you name is not kitty?
lol no it's my nickname my boyfriend gave me
how old r u?
16 wbu :P
cool, but i do wish my name was really kitty it fits me lol
where do you live?
sorry if i'm weirding you out
i'm from leicester in the uk
wow naw its normal from i live in fresno, california.
i'd love to live in america
haha it pretty nice here
have you met any celebs?
have you heard of the kardashians?
just amused!!
Hahah i watch the show and i've seen p!nk that's all lol
Our convo practically fills the whole web page!!!! lol
yeah lol
what now jenny?
hi 2 your bf?
i must go in a while
kk well i got to eat lunch see yea later.
wen will i be able to speak to you
i'm form the uk and i'm evening for me now
we'll speak tommorow or monday
sme time????
lol okay
Hi how r you