To convert 5.16 into a fraction, you can follow these steps:
Separate the whole number from the decimal:
- The whole number part is 5.
- The decimal part is 0.16.
Convert the decimal to a fraction:
- The decimal 0.16 can be written as \(\frac{16}{100}\) because 16 is in the hundredths place.
Simplify the fraction:
- To simplify \(\frac{16}{100}\), find the greatest common divisor of 16 and 100, which is 4.
- Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 4:
- \( \frac{16 \div 4}{100 \div 4} = \frac{4}{25} \)
Combine the whole number and the fraction:
- Now we combine the whole number 5 with the fraction \(\frac{4}{25}\).
- This makes it: \(5 \frac{4}{25}\).
So, 5.16 can be written as the mixed number \(5 \frac{4}{25}\).
If you want to write it as an improper fraction:
- Convert the whole number to a fraction: \(5 = \frac{5 \times 25}{25} = \frac{125}{25}\).
- Now add the fraction: \(\frac{125}{25} + \frac{4}{25} = \frac{129}{25}\).
Thus, 5.16 can be written as the improper fraction \(\frac{129}{25}\).
So the final answers are:
- Mixed number: \(5 \frac{4}{25}\)
- Improper fraction: \(\frac{129}{25}\)
You can choose which way to present it based on what your 4th grader finds easier!