how to clear chat in roblox

5 answers

In Roblox, clearing the chat can be done in a couple of ways, depending on whether you're a player or a developer:

As a Player:

  1. Manual Clearing: You can simply scroll up or down in the chat window to navigate through the chat history. Unfortunately, there is no built-in feature for players to clear the chat completely.

  2. Leave and Rejoin: If you want to reset the chat, you can leave the game and then rejoin. This will clear your chat history for that session.

As a Developer:

If you are developing a game on Roblox and want to clear the chat messages programmatically or customize it, you can use scripts. However, please note that normal players won't be able to execute such scripts.

  1. Using LocalScripts: You can create a LocalScript to manage chat visibility, although actual chat messages cannot be cleared because of Roblox's chat moderation rules. You can, however, disable chat entirely in your game settings:

    • Go to the Game Settings in Roblox Studio.
    • Under the Options tab, set the Chat to Disabled to turn off chat during gameplay.
  2. Custom Chat System: If you want more control over chat, consider creating a custom chat system using GUI elements within your game.

Important Note

Roblox has community standards and moderation in place to ensure a safe environment for players. Be respectful and aware of the rules regarding chat behavior.

If you're looking for ways to manage inappropriate chat messages or interactions in your game, consider using the built-in moderation tools provided by Roblox. Always encourage players to report any inappropriate behavior they encounter.

what if its the freinds chat

If you want to clear or manage the friends chat in Roblox, here are some options you could consider, depending on whether you are in a game or using the Roblox website:

In-game Friends Chat

  1. Adjust Privacy Settings:

    • To limit who can chat with you or how you receive messages, you can adjust your privacy settings in Roblox. Go to your settings on the Roblox website, navigate to the Privacy section, and adjust who can chat with you.
  2. Leave the Game:

    • Similar to general in-game chat, if you leave the game and rejoin, the chat history will reset, including the friends chat.
  3. Mute Specific Friends:

    • If a particular friend is being disruptive or sending unwanted messages, you can mute them. In the game chat window, you can click on their name and select an option to mute or block them.

Friends Chat on the Roblox Website

  1. Clear Messages:

    • Unfortunately, there is no direct way to clear the chat history from your friends list on the Roblox website. You can close the chat window but this will not delete past messages.
  2. Remove/Block Friends:

    • If you find that a friend's messages are consistently disruptive, you can either remove them from your friends list or block them. To do this, navigate to their profile and select the appropriate option.


Roblox does not currently provide a feature to completely clear chat history on your friends list or in-game messages. If you have concerns about inappropriate messages, consider reporting the user or adjusting your privacy settings to enhance your chat experience.

Always stay safe online, and be mindful of the interactions you have on platforms like Roblox.

off-game freinds chat where you chat with freinds on roblox

If you're referring to the off-game friends chat feature on Roblox (often referred to as the "Messages" feature), here’s how you can manage it:

Accessing Friends Chat

  1. Log in to Roblox: Go to the Roblox website and log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the Messages: Click on the "Messages" icon (envelope icon) typically located in the upper right corner of the screen. This will take you to your messages with friends.
  3. View Conversations: Any conversations you've had with friends will appear here.

Managing Off-Game Friends Chat

  1. Clearing Chat History:

    • Unfortunately, there is no way to delete individual messages or clear the entire chat history in the Roblox messages system. The best you can do is to read through your messages, but they cannot be removed.
  2. Report Inappropriate Messages:

    • If you receive inappropriate messages, you can report the user. Click on the three dots next to the conversation and look for the option to report.
  3. Mute or Block Users:

    • If you’re overwhelmed by messages from a particular friend, you can block them. This can be done by going to their profile and selecting "Block User." When you block someone, you will no longer receive their messages.
  4. Adjust Privacy Settings:

    • To manage who can send you messages, you can adjust your privacy settings. Go to your settings (the gear icon), then navigate to the Privacy section to change who can chat with you.
  5. Turn Off Notifications:

    • If you want to stop receiving notifications about messages, you can adjust your notification settings in your account settings.

Important Reminder

Roblox is committed to ensuring a safe environment for its users. Always be cautious about what information you share and who you interact with. If you encounter bullying or harassment, make sure to report it to Roblox.