How the asymmetry between matter

and anti-matter in our Universe might be generated. Why might neutrinos be a key player in achieving this?

(a) We already know neutrinos can morph from one neutrino type to another. It is possible,
although not certain, that neutrinos could morph into anti-neutrinos and vice versa.
This morphing of particle to anti-particle could play a role in generating the matter/anti-
matter asymmetry.
(b) They are the third particle required to complete the triangle picture that Professor
Murayama used.
(c) Neutrinos have a tiny mass, on the order of a billion times less than the electron mass,
m� ∼ 10−9me. We also know that there was only one extra matter particle for every
billion particles and anti-particles, � ∼ 10−9. The fact that these numbers are both
order 10−9 must be more than coincidence.
(d) Neutrinos are emitted when a neutron decays into a proton, n → p + e− + ¯�e, known as
beta decay. Detecting the neutrinos from single beta decay events allows us to see how
baryon conservation is violated.

2 answers

Cheating on the final exam, I see. :P
Dont. Try to figure the answer out yourself!
I agree with you Noah.Gwerty,try to figure by your own...Good luck!