How should companies mesh vision and goals with the system dynamics?

Please tell us your ideas and we'll try to critique them.

I think the main problem in answering a question like this written in pedantic language is to define the terms in plain English. Otherwise, answering it becomes an exercise in wordsmithing, avoiding content entirely.

Words: mesh; vision;goals; system dynamics all need to be defined in practical, quantifiable, meaningful, understood terms, otherwise, they mean nothing and are nonsense. Pedantic is a word that fits here.
Good luck. Getting organizations focused on performance goals, schedule goals, and budget goals is challenging. From top to bottom of the organization all have to understand how those objectives relate to themselves in meaningful terms and behavioural and performance goals.

One more comment: AOL is a good example that had great possibilites, but could not mesh the organization to reach them. That example could be a great case study (and I don't mean Steve Case) for you.

1 answer

System dynamics is a method of studying, managing and understanding how complex systems behave over time. System dynamics deals with how things change through time. In system dynamics feedback is used to help show behavior. System dynamics help use the knowledge one has and show how it affects decision making and policies. Feedback tells you the cause and effects one action has on another action and vice versa. System dynamics can help us figure out the cause of problems instead of blaming everyone if a problem occurs one can pinpoint the source of the problem by looking at all aspects of the system and looking at the whole picture instead of just pieces of the puzzle.

System dynamics is used to address specific by creating a clear understanding of the problem as well as the possibilities for system improvement. First one must identify the patter of trends of the problem, then identify the how the problem is created and create a computer model of the problem and steps to fix the problem.
Organizations can use system dynamics to help focus their vision and goals in the right direction. System dynamics can help determine the direction for the visions and goals of the organization. With the proper feedback organizations will get the help they need to create a successful strategic plan for the organization that meets the vision and goals of the organization.