Minimum age of employment sometimes varies from store to store within a chain. Last year, my 16-year-old granddaughter applied at several Starbucks in her town, but was told by others that this coffee shop preferred to hire those who are 18 or over. However, she was hired by rival Caribou Coffee.
I suggest you go in person to a Tim Horton's and ask to fill out an application.
How old do you have to be to work at "Tim Horton's"? I cannot find a specific age minimum, so I'm assuming it's 16?
3 answers
At sixteen, or even eighteen, there may not be written policies. Employers want mature and responsible employees. So be careful how you present yourself. Neatness, tact, dress, and expressiveness all count. Impressions go a long way on subjective decisions on maturity and responsibility.
Ok. Thanks