Heat needed to raise the temperature of ice from -16.12c to 0c=mcT
=112253.23 joules
Heat to melt the ice=mL
=1114176 joules
Heat needed to raise the temperature of the water from 0c to 100c=mcT
=1392720 joules
Heat needed to vaporise 3.316kg of water=mL
=7494160 joules
Heat needed to raise the temperature of steam from 100c to 128.8c=mcT
=200551.68 joules
Total heat required= 112253.23+1114176+1392720+7494160+200551.68
=10313860 joules
How much total heat is required to heat 3316 g of ice at -16.12 oC to all steam at a temperature of 128.08 oC?
how do you carry out the five step process?
1 answer