How much horsepower would the Challenger Hellcat Redeye Widebody need to run the speed of sound arrive before the sound of its legendary engine arrives?

Assume Stock Redeye Widebody curb weight
Assume no wind
Assume no driveline losses
Redeye travelling at the speed of sound (760 MPH --> 1116.4ft/sec)

What you need to know:
HP = Fsum x V/hp
F drag = 1/2 pv^2 CdA
F rolling resistance = Crr x Weight
F sum = F drag + F rolling resistance
Cd = .398
A = 26.72 Ft^2
Crr = .015
p= .002377 slugs/ft^3

4 answers

The answer is based on a curb weight around 4000, you would get
37,834.2 HP
I got 32110 with a curb weight of 4400
I love the Dodge Charger Hellcat