Assume vehicle weighs 4451
F rolling = 0.015 x 4451 = 66.765
F drag = .398 x 26.72 x .5 x .002377 x 1116.4^2 = 15752.82
F sum = 66.765 + 15752.82 = 15819.59
HP = 15819.59 x (1116.4/797) = 22159.33
Vehicle would need 22159.33 horsepower to travel speed of sound!
How much horsepower would a vehicle need to run the speed of sound arrive before the sound of its engine arrives?
Assume vehicle weighs 4492
Assume no wind
Assume no driveline losses
Vehicle traveling at sound of speed (760 MPH = 1116.4ft/sec)
What you need to know:
HP = Fsum x V/hp
F drag = 1/2 pv^2 CdA
F rolling resistance = Crr x weight
F sum = F drag + F rolling resistance
Cd = .398
A = 26.72 Ft^2
Crr = .015
p= .002377 slugs/ft^3
4 answers
You didn’t solve for P
P=.002377 x 141.1 / ft^3
P=.002377 x 141.1 / ft^3
I mean the slugs equal 138.4261 if the curb weight is 4451
This is so wrong, there are so many Missing units. Your not winning this week Jay. If you know you know. Better luck next week