How much energy does it extract from the outside air with coefficient of performance 3.85?

A heat pump has a coefficient of performance of 3.85 and operates with a power consumption of 6.91 x 10^3 W.

The first part of the question asked How much energy does it deliver into a home during 8 h of continuous operation? and I got 766180800 J.

I need help on the last part which asks How much energy does it extract from the outside air? answer in Joules.

2 answers

Qout = Qin + Win

Qin = Qout - Win
= Qout - Qout/3.85
= 0.7403 Qout

Use your previously caclulated value of Qout, which was correct. Scientific notation would be preferable
I got lost when you got to:

= Qout - Qout/3.85
= 0.7403 Qout

What did you exactly do? I'm not seeing where those two Qout's came from and how you got the .7403.