There are 12 values of x that satisfy both conditions.
First, we need to find the range of x values that are multiples of 7 and less than the square root of 500 (which is approximately 22.36). Since x is a multiple of 7, we can write it as x = 7k, where k is an integer. We want to find all integer values of k that satisfy the inequality 7k^2 < 500.
Solving this inequality, we get k^2 < 500/7 = 71.43. The integer values of k that satisfy this inequality are from -8 to 8 (inclusive), so there are 17 possible values of k.
However, since x can be both positive and negative, we need to consider both positive and negative values of k. Thus, there are 8 positive values of k (1 to 8) and 8 negative values of k (-1 to -8) that satisfy the inequality.
Therefore, there are a total of 8 positive values of x and 8 negative values of x that satisfy both conditions, for a total of 8 + 8 = 16 x values. Additionally, x can also be 0, so the total number of values of x that satisfy both conditions is 16 + 1 = 17.
How many values of x satisfy both of the following conditions?
(a) x is a multiple of 7, not necessarily positive.
(b) x^2 is less than 500.
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